POB 123
Oldwick, NJ. 08858
+1 888 620 6204
The Katama Group is the most valuable resource a Pharmaceutical/Biotech employee has when faced with career transitions, career planning and human resource or legal matters.
What we do
Provide confidential professional assistance and consultation to pharmaceutical/biotech
employees seeking career assessment, compensation benchmarking, transition assistance and promotion planning. Additionally, we provide expert consultation and services for individuals who find themselves in difficult human resource or legal matters.
Who we are
Seasoned C-Suite pharmaceutical/biotech executives offering a combined 75 years of industry experience leading sales, marketing, operations, legal and human resource within top companies. We have hired, managed, promoted, developed and separated thousands of individuals while managing some of the most complex personnel and legal issues facing todays pharmaceutical/biotech employees.
We offer you
Experience, insight, knowledge, resources, strategy, contacts, aptitude and advocacy.
A competitive advantage in a competitive market.
In today's competitive environment, you need a competitive advantage.
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